Reports from those using Celadrin have sparked interest in the area of skin healing. Celadrin has been found to be beneficial in the treatment of psoriasis. Psoriasis is a common skin condition characterized by the rapid production of skin cells, leading to a congestion of cells on the skin’s surface. The normal life cycle of skin cells is 28 days, but cells produced by psoriasis mature up to a thousand times faster than those of healthy skin. Raised patches of red with white flakes or scales appear on the torso, elbows, knees, legs, back, arms and scalp.
A double-blind, placebo-controlled study using Celadrin cream (with no menthol) for the treatment of psoriasis was performed over 14 days. Patients were asked to apply the cream to the affected area twice a day. Initial severity of skin scales, patchiness, redness, dryness, crack and raised skin were recorded. Then, after seven and 14 days, each patient visited the dermatologist who evaluated skin improvement. Each patient experienced a two level improvement based on the six-point Liker scale (0=no improvement, 5 = significant improvement). This small pilot study found that those persons using Celadrin cream experienced measurable improvement in their psoriatic condition.
Psoriasis is a difficult inflammatory skin condition to treat. We can use this data to help those with eczema and other skin conditions halt inflammation and heal the skin.
A Preliminary Study for the Use of Celadrin for the Treatment of Psoriasis
Originally posted for Total Health Magazine:

A health journalist, Vanderhaeghe as been researching and writing on the subject of nutritional medicine for over 20 years. She is past editor in chief of Healthy Living Guide and Alive magazine. Lorna is the author of A Smart Woman’s Guide to Hormones, A Smart Woman’s Guide to Weight Loss, A Smart Woman’s Guide to Heart Health, the A-Z Woman’s Guide to Vibrant Health and many more.