After 11 years playing with the National Basketball Association, Dennis Scott was all too familiar with pain. The former first round draft pick, most familiar to fans of the Orlando Magic, suffered from debilitating knee, calf, shoulder and lower back pain. He went from being a star athlete and local TV host to a virtual couch potato.

“When I stopped playing in 2001/2002, I couldn’t even play basketball with my son and daughter in the backyard. Nothing worked for the pain,” he recalls. “At 34, all I wanted to do is find myself a comfortable spot on the couch to watch TV.” Scott credits his business partner, Skip Hammock, with introducing him to Celadrin®. “It changed my life,” he says. “Unlike the anti-inflammatories I had access to when I was playing, the Celadrin® didn’t eat my stomach up. Best of all, it worked!”

With his pain under control, Scott was able to resume an active lifestyle. “I’m now able to go to my son’s school and play four or five pick-up games with 18-, 19-, and 20-year-olds. They look at me like I’m getting ready for a comeback,” he jokes.

Scott takes Celadrin® in the mornings at the start of his day. “If I don’t take it, I feel my knees and shoulder stiffening,” he says. Being pain-free and more active also has enabled him to lose weight and re-gain the confidence to return to television. He proudly states that he was recently a finalist on ESPN’s Dream Job.

”If it wasn’t for Celadrin®,” he says, “I would probably still be a grumpy dad, grumpy husband and grumpy friend. I was in so much pain I didn’t want to do anything. Celadrin® has allowed me to be active once again.”